Solutions for HR

As individual as your company

Not every company is the same!

Some like it tightly organized, others rather free and loosely structured. Our solutions adapt flexibly to the needs of your company and are configured for you by experienced consultants. The system has a modular structure. You decide on scope and expansion!

Time recording

Flexibly definable time models
Standard Time Valuation for Austria
Independent of industry and suitable for all company sizes
Automatic calculation of overtime, bonuses, holiday entitlement, non-productive times, …
Recording via terminal, PC, smartphone or tablet possible
Simple and intuitive operation

Human Resources

Personnel and organizational master data
Organization chart, cost centers and locations
Job profiles and qualifications
Jobs and position plan
Tasks, appraisal interviews
Salary data and employment status
Reports and much more

Travel expense management

Planning and approval of trips
Collecting all payroll-relevant informations by the employee
Settlement of travel expenses (diets, receipts, KM funds)
Daily allowance settlement according to collective agreement (AT)
Export of travel expenses to third-party systems (payroll, financial accounting)
Integration with time recording and groupware
Automatic mileage calculation with Google Maps

Project and performance time recording

Project time start/stop booking at the workplace, on the web or via app
Subsequent recording/change of project bookings
Overview of current and historical project times of team members
Basis for billing of billable services
Comparison of time booking/project time
Management of favorites for project times
Continuation of old project times within one click

Personnel file

Create documents and store them with the employee
Management of Document Templates
Linking documents with employee master data
Inspection of the personnel file by the employee
Integration of Alfresco

Software Products

HR Expert

Optimized for HR

  • HR master data and employment history
  • Create and manage documents
  • Appraisal interviews
  • Training and further education as well as certificates
  • Skills, cometencies and tasks
  • Salary information and tax benefits

Comprehensive personnel administration

  • Organizational units and hierarchies
  • Positions and job profiles
  • Cost centers, loose groups and locations
  • Comprehensive reporting

Webdesk EWP

Access for every employee

  • Employee Self Service via personalized web portal
  • Each employee receives the information to which he or she is entitled according to his or her function in the company
  • As an employee, they have access to their own time recording, travel expense accounting or project time recording.
  • Data acquisition (time, travel, project times) is done independently on the desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Work processes simplified

  • Target group-specific content and processes
  • Transparent information and decentralized data collection
  • Software penetrates the company up to every single employee
  • Streamlines processes and creates clarity